If you are new to TrueContext, or have someone new to TrueContext joining your team, or have an active TrueContext trial underway, this is an excellent opportunity to get familiar with an overview of the TrueContext platform. This interactive, hands-on, instructor led event will have your first form planned, created, deployed, received, completed and submitted in less than 1.5 hours!
We cannot stress enough how valuable this interactive session is to accelerate your overall understanding of our broad feature set. Learn how to navigate the TrueContext matrix, while picking up on the TrueContext vernacular. (Psst.... how are you going to find something, if you don't know what its called?)
We have had over 650 of our valued workflow designers register for this event over the past 12 sessions and 99 companies have sent multiple members of their team, including one who has sent 17 (over time).
Learn best practices, build with standards & governance!
Date: Thursday October 24th, 1:00-2:30pm (EST)
Cost: FREE
You can register at the link below! Hope to see you there!
Stu Rathbone
Director - Support & Enablement