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  • 1.  Accessing Form PDFs in data destinations

    Posted 03-13-2023 07:44

    I am trying to create a data destination that will upload the pdf created from a form submission to an online task tracker.

    This task tracker allows you to upload attachments through its API. I however need the link to the generated PDF to make this request but I am not able to determine where to find the generated link.

    Can someone point me to right direction here. 

    Thank you

    Pardeep Singh
    Data Analyst

  • 2.  RE: Accessing Form PDFs in data destinations

    Posted 03-13-2023 09:53

    Hi Pradeep

    Two ways this could be implemented are:
    Push - upon a submission, you push a file to an API endpoint in your target system using our HTTP Connection/Data Destination.
    Pull - you build functionality on your side that uses our API to pull the document to you, no data destination needed in this case.

       We offer a few endpoints that could help here, you can see them here: Form Submission API Endpoints for ProntoForms

    For either approach, you may want to use XML or JSON output (instead of a PDF) if you are going to parse the content to insert into another system.

    If you use the Microsoft 365 suite of tools, you could also look into implementing this with PowerAutomate.

    Natalie Tallon
    Product Manager

  • 3.  RE: Accessing Form PDFs in data destinations

    Posted 03-13-2023 10:09

    @Natalie Tallon Thank you for looking into it

    I think I should have explained my question better.

    We are using Pronto User Forms to get feedback from our customers. Every time a feedback is submitted we create a task in Asana using the Pronto Forms data destination feature. 

    Asana has an API (POST) where you can attach PDFs to the required task.

    What I am trying to do is when a form is submitted, pronto generates a PDF for it. I want to attach the PDF to the previously generated task but for that I need a URL access to the PDF. 

    Is this possible? I can only download the pdf

    Not sure if I can access it through a link.

    Pardeep Singh
    Data Analyst

  • 4.  RE: Accessing Form PDFs in data destinations

    Posted 03-13-2023 10:25

    Ah, I think I see.

    We do have a separate data destination for HTTP file upload:
    HTTP File Upload Data Destination

    If you create your task in Asana first and store the ID of the task, you can use it in the next data destination to attach the file:
    Use Response Data Handling to Store Data Received from a Third-Party System

    Would this work for you?

    Natalie Tallon
    Product Manager

  • 5.  RE: Accessing Form PDFs in data destinations

    Posted 03-13-2023 12:16

    @Natalie Tallon Tried this, keep getting following error:

    Made the following destination. For now I have hardcoded the task name where I want to attach my document.

    Not sure how to access the data in complete form to upload it to task. Like I want to upload every question and answer from the user form to the task.

    I am sorry, very new to prontoforms and in general to API calls. 

    Pardeep Singh
    Data Analyst

  • 6.  RE: Accessing Form PDFs in data destinations

    Posted 03-13-2023 13:01

    Hi Pradeep

    I think your configuration is a bit off. The file upload you specify is not actually the output of the form, it is a file from a file upload question.

    What I think you need to do is attach a document in your form+data destination link, do this by going into your form and finding your upload data destination and adding a document to send, this is the screen you would find the data destinations attached to your form:

    I'm happy to help! but if this doesn't solve your issue I recommend you contact our Support team and show them this conversation, they will want to know which form you are trying this on.

    Natalie Tallon
    Product Manager

  • 7.  RE: Accessing Form PDFs in data destinations

    Posted 03-13-2023 15:12

    @Natalie Tallon Thank you for your time. I am still not able to make it work. 

    Need to build following request in my data destination, just not sure how to accomplish it.

    POST /api/1.0/attachments HTTP/1.1
    Accept: application/json
    Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=---011000010111000001101001
    Authorization: Bearer 1/11888596384***********************************************
    Content-Length: 105693

    Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file"

    data:image/png;name=Screenshot_1.png;base64,ulpload file

    Content-Disposition: form-data; name="parent"


    Pardeep Singh
    Data Analyst

  • 8.  RE: Accessing Form PDFs in data destinations

    Posted 03-13-2023 15:28

    I think you might be pretty close but since this is getting into specifics, please see if Support can help you. How To Contact Technical Support.

    Be sure to tell them about this thread and send them a link to your form & data destination.

    Natalie Tallon
    Product Manager

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