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Community Spotlight: Erika Lapenat

  • 1.  Community Spotlight: Erika Lapenat

    Posted 05-14-2024 13:22

    Community Spotlight: Erika Lapenat

    The Community Spotlight is an opportunity to feature one of our amazing TrueContext Community members and learn more about who they are, how they got to be working with TrueContext, and about the great work they have been doing.

    This episode of the Community Spotlight highlights Erika Lapenat, Technical Content Developer here at TrueContext.

    Video Timecode:

    Time Conversation Topic
    0:00 Community Spotlight Introduction
    0:28 Erika Lapenat's introduction
    1:23 What is it like working in the high tech sector in North America vs Europe?
    2:14 How did Erika get her position as Technical Content Developer at TrueContext?
    4:08 What motivated Erika to move from implementation to training and education?
    7:02 What has Erika seen to be the most common feature TrueContext's customers are looking for education and training on?
    9:04 Community Spotlight closing remarks

    Who is Erika Lapenat?

    Erika Lapenat grew up in Ottawa, Canada but has spent a great deal of her working life outside of Ottawa, mostly in Europe, where she got her start in the high-tech industry over 12 years ago. Her high-tech career has been focused on collecting data and using that data to optimize business processes.

    Has Erika noticed any difference between working in the high tech industry in Europe vs North America?

    While Erika will quickly admit that she found the coffee in Europe to be significantly better, one of the things she loves about working in North America, and at TrueContext specifically, is how multicultural both the office is and the customer base. Being able to speak different languages with both colleagues and customers is something she really enjoys.

    She is very impressed with the wealth of talent in Ottawa, which makes up much of the staff at TrueContext, but she also really likes the fact that work has become a lot more remote, allowing companies like TrueContext to pull from a larger talent pool as the geographic location of staff becomes less important in the hiring process.

    How did Erika get her position as Technical Content Developer at TrueContext?

    Erika first heard about TrueContext (still called ProntoForms at the time) through a neighbour who was also working at TrueContext. This neighbour really enjoyed working for the company and had nothing but great things to say about it and Erika found his enthusiasm quite contagious. It was through his referral that she joined TrueContext as an Implementation Specialist.

    Her role as an Implementation Specialist meant that she spent a great deal of time with customers, learning about their challenges, and working with them to build out workflows and solutions that were specific and unique to them. She really enjoyed listening to these challenges from the customers and then build out workflows and use features that the customer may not have considered yet or even had much knowledge in.

    What motivated Erika take on the role of Technical Content Developer?

    Erika quickly realized that the work she was doing in Implementation had a strong focus on training and education already. Because of that she felt she was halfway into this new role just due to this strong learning component. She felt she had a personal responsibility to not just get her customers motivated about the benefits for them, seeing a real return on investment with their TrueContext purchase, but also to make sure that customers who were new to TrueContext were exposed to the tools and features that TrueContext would bring to their operations.

    By moving into a training and education roll full time, she was ensuring that this became her primary responsibility. Not just for the customers that she worked with directly as an Implementation Specialist, but for all of TrueContext's customers.

    As the Technical Content Developer, it became her responsibility to get the TrueContext University up and running. As she was developing the content to go in to the University she was using the consultative conversations she had as an Implementation Specialist really informing her about what matters to customers, how they like to be spoken to, how they like to read instructions, and what differences exist between product documentation and technical support, and how the University could fill in that gap through self paced educational material.

    What has Erika seen to be one of the most common features in TrueContext that customers are looking for more education on?

    TrueContext's Conditional Logic feature is the one that comes up a lot for Erika. Conditional Logic's ability to make forms reactive as the user fills it out, picking options and answering questions that open new questions and eliminate others can really allow customers to build one form that the whole company can use. Since this feature really makes forms built with TrueContext interactive, Erika has found that this is the one feature that people knock on TrueContext's door for and the one that ends up being additive to their experience.

    TrueContext University

    TrueContext University (TCU) is our free, self-paced online learning academy which covers the LIVE web platform and mobile app. It's filled with key learnings to support your development of workflows, including best practices, tips and tricks, and will give you the confidence in using all the features for success out in the field. Modules are designed to be easy to use and can be done in any order. It's an entirely flexible learning resource for you to gain the knowledge you need to empower your TrueContext deployment.

    We also offer live, instructor-led training, in-person or remote, to get teams from the very beginning of using TrueContext in their work, to expertise. Reach out to your Account Representative, or to discuss!

    Learn more about Conditional Logic

    You can learn more about how you can use Conditional Logic for your workflows by taking Erika's courses on Conditional Logic in the TrueContext University. The TrueContext University is a free, self-paced, and self-guided resource available at

    • Conditional Logic - Level 1
      This lesson will give you a great overview of the concepts and best practices for building Conditional Logic statements to super power your workflow.
    • Conditional Logic - Level 2
      Building on the topics covered in Level 1, this lesson will show you how to build more complex Conditional Logic statements and really take advantage of this feature.

    Additionally, be sure to go through our product documentation where you can find even more resources on, like the following:

    Participate in the Community Spotlight

    If you would like to be featured in an upcoming Community Spotlight send us a note at We would love to hear from you.


    Pat Cooney
    Community Engineer

    Pat Cooney
    Community Engineer

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