General Discussion

  • 1.  Copy Row of Reapetable Section to another NOT Nested Repeatable Section

    Posted 08-28-2024 10:46

    Hello Everyone,

    I heard someone say that it was possible to copy some selected rows (not all) in a repeatable section into another repeatable section which was not nested.

    For instance, you have a section called "available cars" (100 rows) and another called "selected cars" (empty). When you click select on one of the cars on section "available", it should be copied to section "selected". If un-selected, then it should be removed from section "selected".

    Does anybody know if it is possible? If so how?


    Or, if not possible, only working with one repeatable section, once you have selected the cars you need, click on a button to delete/remove all un-selected rows. This would be my first choice.

    Thanks a lot.

    Alicia Rico
    Johnson Controls

  • 2.  RE: Copy Row of Reapetable Section to another NOT Nested Repeatable Section

    Posted 08-29-2024 09:00

    Hi Alicia,

    I am not sure if the following document addresses your question 100% but wanted to ensure you had a link to it.

    Stu Rathbone
    Director - Support & Enablement

  • 3.  RE: Copy Row of Reapetable Section to another NOT Nested Repeatable Section

    Posted 08-30-2024 10:01

    Hello Alicia,

    When you select Copy Row in a repeatable section, it will create a copy of that row in the same repeat section and you will not be able to "paste" it into a different repeat. When you are deleting rows from a repeat section, you will also need to delete them one-by-one instead of selecting all of them and deleting all at once.

    What if you were to just leave all the "Available" cars in the repeat and change the status to "Selected" or "Unselected" then using the full view of the repeat section, sort the rows based on that column and push all the unselected ones to the bottom of the list. This way you won't need to delete a bunch of rows from the repeat which might be tedious if there are a lot to delete. The unselected cars will remain in the repeat but should be pushed to the bottom so you don't need to worry about them. You would also be able to filter these out if you are pushing this data to something like Salesforce or Sharepoint with our Repeat Destinations so that TrueContext skips over the "unselected" ones.

    Including an option to delete a lot of rows at once comes with it's own set of challenges where it would be very easy to delete a row that you did not intend to, resulting in data loss. 

    Thank you!

    Ian Chamberlain
    Solutions Architect

  • 4.  RE: Copy Row of Reapetable Section to another NOT Nested Repeatable Section

    Posted 09-02-2024 04:18
    Edited by Alicia Rico 09-02-2024 04:21

    Hello Ian,

    Thanks for your answer.

    More than a copy, I meant push or send to another repeatable section. I know you cannot copy from one to another.

    I do change the status of the lines. The objective is to dispatch the form to a second form with only those lines, and as far as I know, you cannot filter a repeatable section when dispatching it. The other objective is to send it to an exel file. I cannot filter it either. If a do a custom csv, I can filter, but if I upload an exel I cannot. That's why I need to either delete not selected (not one by one obviously) or push it to a second repeatable section.

    Any other ideas?

    For the dispatching problem, I am sending the selected lines to a sharepoint list and not dispatching the content to the second form. When the user opens the dispatched form, they click on a button to load the selected lines. I want to remove this process.

    Thanks a lot

    Alicia Rico
    Johnson Controls

  • 5.  RE: Copy Row of Reapetable Section to another NOT Nested Repeatable Section

    Posted 09-05-2024 12:16

    Hello Alicia,

    I can't think of another way to accomplish this as we do not have the means to filter data that is coming out of a repeat and being dispatched to another form. I think the only approach to this right now is by deleting the rows you don't want from repeat but I understand that would be very tedious if you are removing many many rows from the repeat section. 

    I have not tried exactly what you are trying to do with the excel template but I wonder if an Office Script would be able to either delete or hide rows in that template after it's been generated.

    Thank you,

    Ian Chamberlain
    Solutions Architect

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