Hi Scott.
I would like to thank you with all of my remaining sanity. 😉
Your information has been instrumental in guiding me through to a successful deployment of my first "multi-choice and Microsoft List" driven form.
The last piece of the puzzle was to set the "Column value" correctly - and hey presto.... It worked.
Again, thank you for helping.
Original Message:
Sent: 11-08-2024 09:30
From: Scott Daly
Subject: Handlebars
Hi Graeme,
I'll do my best to share some details which may be helpful.
- It looks like you have Sharepoint List data source driving a multi select question in the form (ie. each item in your sharepoint list will be available to select in the multi select question)
- The handlebars code you have loops over each selected answer value in the multi select (ie. all the selected locomotive codes), and outputs a CSV line fore each code selected. So if 3 values were selected in the multi select, they'd get a CSV output looking something like:
EmployeeID, LocomotiveCode 1, 2024-01-01, , , insert
EmployeeID, LocomotiveCode 2, 2024-01-01, , , insert
EmployeeID, LocomotiveCode 3, 2024-01-01, , , insert
Your handlebars code today references the LocomotiveClass (multi select question) by:
This would look something like the following in your forms (pages & question tab):

- Assessments= The page ID
- LocomotiveClass=The section ID
- LocomotiveClass= The question ID
If you're looking to apply this handlebars document to a different form or question, you'll want to update the code to reference the new page, section, and question IDs.
Hope this helps! If you are in need of some additional help we do have a professional services team available to discuss in more detail.
Scott Daly
Senior Manager, Implementation Services
Original Message:
Sent: 11-07-2024 19:19
From: Graeme Murphy
Subject: Handlebars
I am trying to set up handlebars to reference a Microsoft list depending on a choice between two codes, via a "Multiselect from Data Sources"
This is way outside my knowledge, and I have had help from our IT department previously to set this up, but they are gone.
I am not sure if the list is wrong or the handlebar, I copied from another set-up document and edited to reference my new list. (changed "Locomotive" to "Wagon", shown below)
I am totally lost, any help would be great.
{{#each dataRecord.pages.Assessments.sections.WagonClass.answers.WagonClass.valuesMetadata}}
{{answers.EmployeeID.[0]}},{{this.display}},{{pf:dateTimeFormat answers.Date.0 "yyyy-MM-dd"}},,,insert
Graeme Murphy
Training Coordinator
One Rail Australia