New To TrueContext

  • 1.  Hiding questions on a document

    Posted 11-24-2023 08:52


    I'm fairly new to using these forms, but the learning process has been enjoyable.

    Currently, I'm creating an action plan where sections are revealed depending on how previous questions in the form are answered. If certain options are chosen, then sections in the action plan are revealed for users to fill out. My main problem currently is that, if questions are answered correctly and the extra sections don't need to be revealed or answered in the action plan, the blank fields still print out on the final document.

    I've tried changing some settings by editing the document and hiding questions when unanswered, but the blank fields still remain on the final word document.

    Any help or advice is appreciated,


    Caitlin Thursfield
    Technical Author
    Environmental Monitoring Solutions

  • 2.  RE: Hiding questions on a document

    Posted 11-24-2023 16:59
    Edited by Aditya Trivedi 11-24-2023 16:59

    Hi Caitlin,

    Thank you for your question and reaching out to ProntoForms Community. Its glad to hear that you are enjoying the learning.

    In order to approach the problem you are seeing currently, there are few ways of form-designing which could be useful and I am listing them below:

    1. If you wish to have the extra section's removed based on answers of few questions then; you can use Conditional logic rules based on which you can create a logic rule which will make the sections "Ignored". Further if you don't want to have specific questions visible on the Word document then you can have those questions set to "not visible" in the conditional logic rule. At the same time you can also have the checkboxes checked for "Hide Unanswered Questions" and "Hide Unanswered Sections" in your Output Word document.

    2. If the questions are not impacted or changing behavior with the conditional logic then you can check the checkboxes for "Hide Unanswered questions" and "Hide Unanswered sections" in your output Word document and you will not see the questions and sections as blank fields in the document.

    Let me know if you face any issues with the same.
    Aditya Trivedi
    Technical Analyst

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