Original Message:
Sent: 10-30-2024 09:57
From: Calvin Hunter
Subject: How do YOU Organize your Groups & FormSpaces?
Morning Natalie,
It's mostly to control who sees which forms. Some forms have multiple versions (for different code revisions) and a branch can only use the revision that applies in their jurisdiction. I learned pretty early on that users benefit from blinders.
There's occasionally some branch-specific form edits they ask for as well but that's something I would sacrifice for ease of maintenance. Technically the branch admin staff can also create/edit their own forms in their formspace, but that is pretty rare. If I had form-level permissions instead of formspace I'd probably still have separate forms per branch, they'd just be in the same formspace so Val wouldn't need to copy our custom PDF docs into 15 formspaces he makes a change 😉
There are probably some integrations that rely on formspace-specific data destinations/sources, but I could work around that nowadays.
Calvin Hunter
Project Manager
Vipond Inc
Original Message:
Sent: 10-30-2024 09:36
From: Natalie Tallon
Subject: How do YOU Organize your Groups & FormSpaces?
Thanks Calvin!
If the forms are the same, what is the purpose of putting them in different FormSpaces? I know there are reasons for this, but I'm wondering what the reasons are in your case.
Natalie Tallon
Product Manager
Original Message:
Sent: 10-29-2024 08:20
From: Calvin Hunter
Subject: How do YOU Organize your Groups & FormSpaces?
Our formspaces are split up as such:
- Development
- QA
- Production (per branch)
Dev is where all form development happens.
QA is a mock up of a production formspace with all the integrations in place. QA is less used now that I'm not actively creating new forms or integrations - usually edits are tested in a draft version at the branch that I physically work at now.
Production is actually a collection of formspaces, one per branch location, each with their own copy of the forms from Dev. Each formspace has two groups - field users, office users. There also a few branches that have special groups that have access to multiple branches in the region.
I mostly use groups are to filter which forms users can see. I'd honestly love more granular control over that - without it having to be based on formspace. We're a multi-disciplinary company so roughly half of our forms, data sources, destinations, resources, etc aren't used by the other half of the field crew, so it would be great to be able to filter those out so they don't even have to download them when reconciling.
Additionally I have a lot of data sources and data destinations that are the same between formspaces, so if we had granular control over which forms/resources a user has access to independent of formspace, I would probably just consolidate all my formspaces into one production space and set permissions per form, which would eliminate all the duplicate resources and maintenance that goes with them.
Calvin Hunter
Project Manager
Vipond Inc
Original Message:
Sent: 10-24-2024 15:58
From: Natalie Tallon
Subject: How do YOU Organize your Groups & FormSpaces?
Hello Everyone,
I'm a Product Manager at TrueContext, and I'm seeking insights into how our customers structure their Groups and FormSpaces.
As you're aware, a FormSpace can be associated with multiple Groups, and vice versa. This many-to-many relationship allows for various strategies in managing permissions and access.
Our observations indicate that customers often organize their Groups and FormSpaces based on product lines, job types, roles, reporting hierarchies, geographical locations, and/or special projects.
We are eager to learn from you about how you've set up your Groups and FormSpaces, what strategies have been effective, and what challenges you might be facing.
Feel free to reply in thread, or reply directly to me. Looking forward to hearing from you!
Natalie Tallon
Product Manager