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  • 1.  Multi User Questionnaire

    Posted 03-02-2023 22:40

    I have an interesting use case from a client that has a project checklist that needs to be kept up to date and updated by multiple users. e.g John needs to do a site walkdown, at various phases of a new project. There will be several checklist items he will need to complete within the project checklist. Other project resources will also need to complete those items assigned to them, and check them off on the checklist. Each user has their own Prontoforms account, and tablet. How or can this be done? 

    Torien De jager
    TechForGood Australia

  • 2.  RE: Multi User Questionnaire

    Posted 03-03-2023 08:10

    Hi Torien, Question, do the site walkdowns happen sequentially (in the same order every time) or is more of list of site walkdowns that need to happen at some point during the project?

    Stu Rathbone
    Director - Support & Enablement

  • 3.  RE: Multi User Questionnaire

    Posted 03-27-2023 13:32

    Hi Torien,

    In order to clarify and ensure we're looking at the same problem, I've the same questions that Stu has. Are these forms going to have people working concurrently on the same job site but different parts of the form? 


    Erin Longhurst
    Product Manager

  • 4.  RE: Multi User Questionnaire

    Posted 03-28-2023 08:08
    Hi Erin, 

    That is a great question. I haven't explored the opportunity that multiple users could use the same form at the same. The initial use case, was linear, that a form could be picked up at any time during the form being filled out by multiple users. Typically this would be based on a shift process, so once someone completed their shift the next person can continue to update the form. 

    I hope that this helps. 

  • 5.  RE: Multi User Questionnaire

    Posted 03-28-2023 10:04

    Thanks for that response. It helps us figure out what you're looking for.

    Stu also had a good question regarding this workflow: Question, do the site walkdowns happen sequentially (in the same order every time) or is more of list of site walkdowns that need to happen at some point during the project?


    Erin Longhurst
    Product Manager

  • 6.  RE: Multi User Questionnaire

    Posted 03-28-2023 18:24
    Hi Erin and Stu, 

    This customer has over 500 digital forms and almost as many processes. No two projects are identical however we do have the opportunity to help them implement some best practice using Prontoforms. If there is a solution that works across variable change that would be wonderful, alternatively if there is a structured approach that we can help provide value through, that would also be considered. 

    kind regards

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