New To TrueContext

  • 1.  ProntoForms Admin Job Profile

    Posted 12-20-2022 14:43
    Hi Everyone,

    As a new adopter to ProntoForms, we will be looking to hire a ProntoForms admin.

    Does anyone have a job description write-up they would use to post a job?  I'm interested in seeing what requirements everyone has.


    Derrek Veselka
    Program Manager

  • 2.  RE: ProntoForms Admin Job Profile

    Posted 12-21-2022 16:08

    Hi Derrek,

    Here is a long answer to your short question :-)

    I do not have a job poster for an Admin to share with you but have interacted with many ProntoForms "Administrators" in my current role. The term "ProntoForms Administrator" can mean different things to different customers as it depends on the scope of responsibility for the individual you are looking to hire, and the size of the deployment you are planning to roll out. (10 users vs 1000+ users). Also, many of our customers' "Administrators" have other responsibilities outside of working with ProntoForms.

    If you take a holistic view at ProntoForms you have five primary roles:

    1. Administrators
    2. Integrators
    3. Form Builders
    4. Data Analysts
    5. End Users

    In smaller deployments all roles can be, and are done by, the same person, less the End User role (typically). Whereas in larger deployments we see teams of people working in several or all the roles.

    If we assume your definition of "Administrator" will NOT be the latter four roles and focus strictly on Administration, will this person be responsible for:

    • Setting up your environment (Creating FormSpaces, Groups, Roles, Adjusting "Teams" settings such as Branding, problem contact info etc.),
    • Managing/maintaining your environment (FormSpaces, Groups, Roles etc.),
    • Dispatching Forms to Supervisors or individuals.

    Is that correct? If you could provide the scope of responsibility, it would help anyone reading this to be able to provide the skills that may best compliment the role you are looking to fill. If the Administrator will be filling any of the other roles outlined above, in whole or in part, that would be important to know as well.

    A while back we had a similar discussion in the Community around hiring and interviewing for the Form Builder role which you may find helpful.

    Looking forward to hearing more on this Derrek, it's a really great question!

    Stu Rathbone
    Director - Support & Enablement

  • 3.  RE: ProntoForms Admin Job Profile

    Posted 01-17-2023 09:24
    Hi Stu,

    Thank you for the response.  We are still trying to understand how to build the job profile and the roles and responsibilities.

    Your feedback is very helpful for us to move forward.

    Thanks again!

    Derrek Veselka
    Program Manager

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