General Discussion

  • 1.  Repeatable Section text values to be used in Next Repeatable section

    Posted 10-22-2024 10:02


    I am new to Truecontext.

    I have a requirement where I need to use the values entered in the first repeatable section in the other repeatable section in the same form.

    The problem here is, in the repeatable destination, we don't have response output feature. These are the fields I used in first section (Name, Email, Phone, drop down(to select  Service Territory), drop down (to select Service Team - required field) to create a Technician record.

    In the next section, I want the above Names ( new entries ) to be used as a drop down field to select and add Time Entries for them. 

    Note: We are also giving them option to fill Time Reporting for the existing Technicians as well (through Technician Datasource)

    I tried multiple ways to populate the names into a dropdown but that dropdown field is not being set with the entered Names in conditional logic. (Also, I am unable to use it in the next repeatable section as well.)

    Is there any possible way or out of the box idea to be able to use the input values in the first section into the next one ?

    Either getting the response output or give them the option to select new Technician entry Names - I am looking for.

    Someone please help me.

    Thanks in advance.


    Divya M

  • 2.  RE: Repeatable Section text values to be used in Next Repeatable section

    Posted 10-22-2024 10:11
    Edited by Pat Cooney 10-22-2024 10:55

    Hi @Divya M, thanks for your question. I see you posted this in the Salesforce User Group, but it doesn't look like this is a Salesforce specific integration question, so I'm going to move this over to the General Discussion group.

    Pat Cooney
    Community Engineer

  • 3.  RE: Repeatable Section text values to be used in Next Repeatable section

    Posted 10-23-2024 11:30

    Hi Divya,

    I can confirm what you're seeing in that there isn't a way to accomplish what you are describing here using this method. I'm not sure what your workflow is for this form, but you might be able to collect the data you're looking for by approaching it differently. Is it possible, with the workflow you are trying to accomplish, to add your time entries into the repeat rows where you are adding the technician? If you do that you can set up some logic like:

    Is the technician new or existing?
    ---> if NEW, ask all those questions you need to create a new tech, but all fill in the time entry
    ---> if EXISTING, show the existing technicians, coming in from your data source, in the dropdown, and fill in the time

    Additionally, we have a section in our L2 lesson on Question Types in the TrueContext University, specifically walking through the creation of a time sheet form. Maybe that might be of help? You can check it out here:

    I hope that helps, but certainly let us know if you have other questions or want more help thinking through how you can possibly set up your form to fit your workflow.

    Pat Cooney
    Community Engineer

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