General Discussion

  • 1.  Response Output Configured destination is not executed earlier

    Posted 18 days ago

    Hi Team,

    I have two destinations connected to Salesforce. First destination is sending out a file to a Service Order's file section.

    If I open the highlighted submission,

    In the Site_Report_Hse_Prod, we have configured the response output, and it is being used in the Checklist_Audit_HSE_Prod destination.

    But from the screenshot we can see that second highlighted destination is executed first and then the first highlighted destination eventhough its response is being used in the other one.

    We are using this response ID in the second destination while creating a Checklist Audit record in Salesforce.

    As, the checklist Audit destination is executed first in some scenarios, we dont have the ContentVersionId populated to the ChecklistAudit records.

    Why is this happening when the response output is configured for the first destination ? 

    Please let me know for any clarifications.

    Thanks for the response.

    Divya M

  • 2.  RE: Response Output Configured destination is not executed earlier

    Posted 18 days ago

    Hello Divya,

    Typically when you see that a destination ran at a substantially different time that the rest of the destinations on the form there are typically 2 reasons why this might happen:

    1. The destination was manually re-executed after the initial sets of destinations ran
    2. The destination that ran a lot later was failing until it was eventually able to run. In TrueContext, the destinations will just continue to try and execute until it is successful.

    Your second destination is not going to wait for the first one to go through before it tries to run so if the Site_Report_HSE destination fails, the next destination will still get triggered even if there is no data coming from the Output of the previous request.

    Is there an error that you receive on the Site_Report_HSE destination on the initial run? If so, we should start there to figure out why it's running so out of sync with the other destinations on the form.

    Thank you

    Ian Chamberlain
    Solutions Architect

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