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Tech Talk: Support - Data Source Fetching Failures

  • 1.  Tech Talk: Support - Data Source Fetching Failures

    Posted 07-04-2024 08:01
    Edited by Pat Cooney 07-04-2024 10:06

    This week, I'd like to talk about how a Data Source failure might affect the Fetch Schedule's operation.

    Let’s consider the following scenario. You have setup a Google Sheet Data Source with a fetch frequency of hourly. This Google Sheet, however, is completely empty. When TrueContext goes to fetch this Data Source you will get the following error: “Error, No Data Rows: Your data source contains no data rows. There was nothing to load into the system.

    When this error occurs, you will also get an email from letting you know of the error. This email will let you know that “The data source will be disabled at 100 consecutive failures.” Since the fetch frequency is set to hourly this data source will be disabled in 100 hours (about 4 days) if the issue has not been resolved before then.

    If your fetch frequency is set to daily, weekly, or even monthly, the Data Source will still be disabled after 100 consecutive failures, it will just longer to reach that number of failures (100 days, 100 weeks, 100 months, etc.).

    Resolving a fetching failure

    If you find yourself in this situation the first thing you will need to do is resolve whatever issue is causing the Data Source to fail. The error message being sent by TrueContext should have details as to what the issue with your Data Source is. In this example, the error message is specifically saying that the “data source contains no rows”, telling you that the file is empty.

    There could be multiple reasons as to why you are receiving an error, so be sure to review what the error message is telling you. Additionally, here is a general troubleshooting list of some of things you should check if you are getting an error:

    • Check if there is any data in the file being used as the data source
    • Check if the path set up in TrueContext to the data source file is correct
    • Check if the rows and columns in the data source file match what your TrueContext Data Source is expecting to see

    Once you feel confident that you have resolved the error with your Data Source, resetting the fetch schedule is very straight forward. In the Data Source in the TrueContext web portal, click on the “Fetch New Data” button. If the error has been resolved, then the error message will disappear.

    If you continue to receive an error, and you are unable to resolve it, please reach out to our TrueContext Technical Support: How To Contact Technical Support

    Pro Tip: Setting up Problem Contact Email Addresses

    Did you know you can set up multiple email addresses to receive notifications when there is an error with your TrueContext data processing? Problem Contact Emails receive notifications when a data-processing issue occurs, like:

    • TrueContext fails to process a submitted form,
    • A Data Destination execution fails, or,
    • A Data Source fails to fetch data.

    We recommend our customers set up the emails of relevant system administrators to receive these emails, thereby ensuring that at least one person is notified of the issue should the main TrueContext administrator not be available.

    You can add up to 12 emails to the Problem Contact Email list. Full instructions on how to set this up are available here:


    Rasangi Disanayake
    Technical Lead, Customer Support

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