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Tech Talks: Support - Microsoft Graph API Error: invalidRequest -- A potentially dangerous Request.Path value was detected from the client.

  • 1.  Tech Talks: Support - Microsoft Graph API Error: invalidRequest -- A potentially dangerous Request.Path value was detected from the client.

    Posted 12-05-2024 10:37

    When setting up a connection to a Microsoft Data Destination, like SharePoint or OneDrive, you may come across the following error when submitting your form:

    Error: Microsoft Graph API Error: invalidRequest -- A potentially dangerous Request.Path value was detected from the client.

    What does this error mean?

    The most common cause of this error is the presence of special characters in either the destination folder path, the form's output document file name, or even the form submission name itself. Microsoft has specific restrictions on which characters are allowed in OneDrive and SharePoint paths.

    For more details on the allowed characters, you can refer to Microsoft's official documentation, available here:

    Resolving this error

    If you're encountering this error, follow these steps to pinpoint the issue:

    1. Check the Data Destination configuration
      Review the "Form Submission Document Folder Expression" in the Data Destination configuration. If there are any DREL expressions or if the DREL expressions are taking the answers from the form answers, see if the user provided answers containing special characters as this could be the culprit.
      Note: If you're using a SharePoint List data destination, be sure to check the List Path as well.
    2. Examine the Output Document
      Check the name of the form's output document (e.g., PDF or Word file). If the document name is generated using DREL expressions, verify that no special characters are being introduced.
    3. Review the Form Submission Name
      Similarly, check the form submission name itself for any special characters or DREL expressions that might be causing the issue.

    Once you identify where the special characters are coming from, you can adjust the specific settings in your form or Data Destination, update the output document name, or ask users to avoid entering restricted characters in their form responses. You could also add validation to prevent these characters from being entered in the first place.

    An image showing the options in the Validation Type dropdown menu in the Question Properties form for a Question in the TrueContext app. The options being displayed are:

    Reminder: If the form has already been submitted and you need to make changes, keep in mind that the submission cannot be edited unless the "Send for Edit" feature was enabled when the form was originally submitted.

    We hope this guide helps you resolve the issue quickly! Together, we can ensure smoother submissions for everyone!

    #TechTalkSupport #Microsoft #OneDrive #SharePoint

    Rasangi Disanayake
    Technical Lead, Customer Support

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