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  • 1.  Export form questions to spreadsheet

    Posted 11-12-2021 14:32

    I know that I can create a Google Sheets destination but how do I select form question data at the micro-level beyond the available Metadata options? My goal is to create a database file based on the single checkbox selection made on the form, and some other text field entries.

    Thank you. 

    Todd Garthaffner
    Network Manager
    Waitsfield and Champlain Valley Telecom

  • 2.  RE: Export form questions to spreadsheet

    Posted 11-12-2021 15:15
    Hi Todd,

    When setting up your destination, in the Sheet Configuration tab of the Edit Google Sheets Data Destination page, the very last option to select is "Send All Answers".  If you deselect that you can add a comma-separated list of question labels for the questions you'd like to send to your Google Sheet.  You can find documentation for that here:


    Pat Cooney
    Community Engineer

  • 3.  RE: Export form questions to spreadsheet

    Posted 11-12-2021 15:35

    I see, I apologize for taking up your time.

    I had read it to mean 'all Metadata' but now that I am looking at it closer, all Metadata would simply be to move all of the choices in the left box over into the right. I looked at it wrongly.

    Thank you, Pat!

    Todd Garthaffner
    Network Manager
    Waitsfield and Champlain Valley Telecom

  • 4.  RE: Export form questions to spreadsheet

    Posted 11-12-2021 15:37
    All good Todd, not a waste of time at all!  Have a great weekend!

    Pat Cooney
    Community Engineer

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