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  • 1.  Sketch Pad Map Search

    Posted 03-01-2022 08:57

    I have a form that I am using for a Site Survey of a property prior to service installation. The technician can Choose Satellite Image from the list of options which in turn opens a google map.

    How can we search that Google Map for an address, city, or State? It is quite a time-consuming task for the technician to try and navigate to an area manually in an area they are not familiar with. My concern is that they won't use this option, which is valuable for mark-ups if it is not searchable.

    Does anyone know how to search that function, or should I direct them to use the smartphone's map and save a screenshot for mark-up?

    Thank you,


    Todd Garthaffner
    Network Manager
    Waitsfield and Champlain Valley Telecom

  • 2.  RE: Sketch Pad Map Search
    Best Answer

    Posted 03-01-2022 12:00
    Hi Todd, I'm thinking about your question and playing around with fields in the form builder but I don't see a way to prepopulate a sketch pad map with an address, or a way to search that map.

    There is a Geo Location field that will pinpoint the technician's location on satellite view, but to then use that as a sketch pad they would need to screenshot the geo location map and the follow up question could be your Sketch Pad question type where that screenshot is uploaded and then sketched on. This would probably have better buy in for your users than having to open a separate app. I'm not sure if there is currently a better way to achieve this though....does anyone else have any thoughts on this?

    Some thoughts for ProntoForms suggestions team regarding this:
    • Having a Text field have an address data type (similar to email, phone, etc) that had the option of routing that data to to the Sketch Pad question's map would be awesome 
    • If that same address data type text field could display a map view below the question would also be helpful! 
    • Or if a Geo location question could route those specific coordinates to a sketch pad through conditional logic or question formatting

    Lisa Zido
    Technical Systems Analyst
    GOJO Industries Inc.

  • 3.  RE: Sketch Pad Map Search

    Posted 03-01-2022 14:18


    That will work. I added the GeoLocation question and it zooms to the local on the map just fine. I took a screenshot and saved it, then retrieved it on the next question which is the Sketch Pad. It is an extra step but it works much better than leaving the App as you mention.

    Thank you, Very Much :)

    Todd Garthaffner
    Network Manager
    Waitsfield and Champlain Valley Telecom

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