Hi Torien,
The workflow you described is somewhat unique and there are likely detailed steps in your workflow that are specific to your requirements, with that, there are no boilerplate templates we can provide you. Below are specific links to our product documentation which should help you stitch this together but they may not be all inclusive to your precise needs. We would recommend reviewing all of the articles below and begin white-boarding your workflow based on them to see if there are any gaps in the process which may also need to be addressed to accomplish the end result you are looking for.
The workflow may require a combination of the following based on the second option suggested:
A Dispatch Data Destination: This takes selected data from one form and automatically dispatches it to a user through another form. The Dispatch Data Destination is best paired with a User Data Source. This data source provides a list of users to choose from.
User Data Source: A ProntoForms User Data Source compiles information about the users in a selected ProntoForms group, and makes the available fields (like user ID, Display Name, First Name, Last Name, email address, and other information set in the User Profile) available for use in a form. Often, the data source is used to auto-populate information about that user so that it does not need to be manually entered.
Once the data source is created, there is no maintenance required; the User Data Source updates immediately and automatically when a user is added or removed to the group, or if any user information changes.
Supported Question & Data Types for Dispatching: To learn more about what data types are supported for dispatch, please look at this help article:
Supported Question and Data Types for Dispatching
Dispatching via the Portal: Depending on your workflow, elements of this article may also apply, the ProntoForms portal dispatch interface is a user-friendly way for administrators to dispatch partially-filled forms to users. Administrators simply choose a recipient from a dropdown list, and then pre-fill answers.
Steps to Install the Windows 10 App:
Hopefully this is enough to get you started.
Stu Rathbone
Program Manager ~ Knowledge, Training & Enablement
Original Message:
Sent: 02-24-2022 03:15
From: torien de jager
Subject: Can you publish multiple forms as a Job/dispatch?
Hi Stu,
Thank you for your prompt response,
We are currently creating the forms to support option 2. Can you please supply details on how this form can selects additional forms and dispatch to another form as a Job. If I am reading your response correctly?
torien de jager
Jag Finance and Technology
Original Message:
Sent: 02-23-2022 15:38
From: Stu Rathbone
Subject: Can you publish multiple forms as a Job/dispatch?
Hi Torien, we had chat internally around this and would like to offer a couple of options.
This first one would require the use of our REST API and require you to build a REST API Client, which we're not sure if you have an appetite for, or not.
Note that this approach would result in multiple dispatches going to the end users device which would be pre-populated with the data, the user would then need to decline the irrelevant forms and just fill out the forms they want/need. The documentation link below will provide some scope of effort into this approach.
The second option would be to build a form for the Admin to choose which forms are dispatched, this would require a user Data Source as well.
So the Admin does not need to switch to a mobile device, if the Admin were using a Windows 10 Laptop, they could also install the Windows 10 app for this. Soon, there will soon be a MacOS client as well.
Hopefully one of these suggestions is enough to get you started and if anyone else in the Community has faced a similar workflow we'd love to hear how you approached it.
I am sure everyone will be curious to know which approach you end up taking, it's a very interesting workflow.
Stu Rathbone
Program Manager ~ Knowledge, Training & Enablement
Original Message:
Sent: 02-22-2022 02:06
From: torien de jager
Subject: Can you publish multiple forms as a Job/dispatch?
Being fairly new to Prontoforms, one of the challanges we are wanting to resolve is:
1. How do we use a form that will allow for a client to choose the various forms required for a job and then publish them to a Job/inbox by way of a dispatch?
I suspect that this can only be done at the Page level and not the form level.
If anyone knows a work around that would be wonderful.
torien de jager
Jag Finance and Technology