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  • 1.  Conditional Logic in a Repeatable section

    Posted 01-18-2022 14:21
    I have a table set up with the following data: (using a repeatable section)

    Signature - Printed Name - Date and time - How many locks are you using - lock 1 location - Lock 1 in place photo - Lock 2 location - Lock 2 in place photo - etc...up to 10

    The worker can have up to 10 locks. I was thinking of writing a rule that said:
    If the number of locks is 1 - make locks 2-10 invisible
    If the number of locks is 2 - Make locks 3-10 invisible etc...

    If that possible? I do not see in conditional logic where it gives me an option to see the repeatable section.
    To complicate it a little more, I will have multiple workers with multiple locks.

    Or, would the best solution just to create individual questions with all of those fields and duplicate them all several times. Then create conditional logic accordingly?

    Thank you,


    John Sutton

  • 2.  RE: Conditional Logic in a Repeatable section
    Best Answer

    Posted 01-18-2022 16:15

    Hey John, 

    The way that you described here leads me into 2 different options that you have here. 

    Option 1: 

    Create a data source that is used to push values into the repeat section based on how many keys. Below is the beginning of the data source. The "How many locks" question would point to the "Number of Locks" column in the data source. Then you can use the Lock Number column to push them into a row each. This would mean that you will have a Repeat for workers, then inside that repeat you will have another for the number of locks. (Check out my latest "Ian's Insights" for some guidance on the push to repeat)

    Number of Locks Lock Number
    1 1
    2 1
    2 2
    3 1
    3 2
    3 3
    4 1
    4 2
    4 3
    4 4

    Option 2: 

    Inside your Worker repeat section, create 1 section per lock and just duplicate it 10 times with using conditional logic to show/hide the ones that you need based on their answer to the "How many locks" question.

    Option 1 is the one that I would use if I were to implement this as it really doesn't involve any conditional logic rules, you will not need to duplicate the same section a bunch of times and it would be very easy to update in the future to maybe allow them to put in 11 locks or even 50! 

    Let us know if you have any further questions on this or need some clarification. 

    Ian Chamberlain
    Implementation Specialist

  • 3.  RE: Conditional Logic in a Repeatable section

    Posted 01-18-2022 17:08

    for more info on the Push to Repeat option check out Ian's Insights Episode #4:​

    Pat Cooney
    Community Engineer

  • 4.  RE: Conditional Logic in a Repeatable section

    Posted 01-20-2022 20:07
    Hello Ian,
    Thank you for your suggestions. I have been trying to figure out Option 1 for quite a while but am struggling.
    I created a data base, as you suggested. Just not sure I am using it correctly.
    My repeatable section has six main questions:
    Signature - Printed Name - Date and Time - How many locks installed - Lock location - Picture of Lock

    Ideally, the person would only sign once, one printed name, one date and time, one - number of locks, then however many lock locations and a picture for each one.

    How many locks installed - is a drop down with my data source. The data source has two columns - Number of locks - Lock number
    One area that might be my problem is in the options tab of the drop down. In your example of the building inspection, you have listed:
    Push Data to Other Questions - then below that Populate in the main form
    Then below that:
    "Populate questions in a repeatable section"

    The way I have mine set up, it only shows:
    Push Data to other questions - then below that "Populate questions in the current repeatable section" .

    I am not seeing the "Populate questions in the main form" .

    Just thinking about it now, I could just have have the number of locks as a text field, and the lock locations as a text area, listing all of the locks and the picture field allow for multiple pictures.

    Regardless, I am really enjoying this exercise in learning the program. I do have more questions but I want to get through this one first.

    Thanks again!!


    John Sutton

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