Hello Erika, this summary is very important for long forms. Imagine that you produce a document with 50-150 pages. Someone may go through all the pages, but, probably, they would like to see a summary of all defects. Also, if the form needs to be reviewed by a supervisor before sending it...
Hi Alicia, I can see how that would be valuable, that the mobile user sees a summary of everything (let's say before they submit). There are a few ways to accommodate that: (1) depending on the form, you can set up a final page, which can act as a summary for the pages...
Hello, thanks all for your great comments and examples. In fact, I was looking for something with the following structure: I know it is complicated. I would like to see the summary table in the device for the tech to review, but if it is not possible, then only in...
Hi everyone, This is a great discussion percolating, nice work!! After checking in with the team, I will give credit to the highly creative expertise of our colleague @Jesse Collier for coming up with a unique and visually effective way of presenting the results in the PDF...
I can't comment on this being added as default functionality, but I'll chime in to say that the ProntoForms professional services team can do this with a custom document. We use custom documents extensively, and one of the things we have them do on all of our documents is collect and summarize...
Just wanted to comment as I would like this feature as well. I once set up a form with 4 repeatable sections. Then at the very end of the form I had a summary page. My hope was to actually summarize the topics that failed. So a little summary page stating, topics 3 & 6 failed inspection. I tried...
I've done something similar. I have hidden questions in each section that I set to a "1" or a "0" to indicate pass/fail. Then outside the repeatable section I summarize each of those values. In this case, I'd have a hidden question like "SectionAQuestion3" and set it to "1" if it passes. ...
Hello, in an inspection form with several repeatable sections with answers pass/fail, is there any way to show at the end of the form a summary of all the questions that have failed? Something like: Section A question 3 failed Section B question 6 failed Section B...