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  • 1.  File Upload attachments to Data Destination

    Posted 12-13-2023 06:01


    Is it possible to select which uploaded files in a form can be sent as attachment to a data destination (email).

    Example : 


    As far as I can see it is all File Uploads or nothing on data destination side.

    Is there an alternative way to select only the "Thermografie" file upload (see example) as attachment to this mail destination?



    Peter Dienaar
    PF developer
    Johnson Controls

  • 2.  RE: File Upload attachments to Data Destination

    Posted 12-13-2023 11:42

    Hi Peter

    You would specify which document you want attached to the email through the destinations part of the form builder?

    Stephen Morrison
    Business Information and Performance Director
    BCA Insulation

  • 3.  RE: File Upload attachments to Data Destination

    Posted 12-14-2023 02:56

    Hello Stephen,


    In this case it does not concerns an output document but a file that we are uploading to our form.

    See :


    When I mention to the Data destination to include uploaded files as attachment ALL uploaded files in this form are added as attachment to this data destination.

    This is not what I want.







  • 4.  RE: File Upload attachments to Data Destination

    Posted 12-14-2023 09:26

    Hey Peter,

    Thank you very much for sending this question over and apologies for the delay responding, thank you Stephen as well for jumping on!

    I had been testing the system to see if I could come up with a way to accomplish what you were hoping to do, but was not able to make it work with the current functionality; as you mentioned, the current option is "all or nothing" when it comes to sending attachments. I have provided this feedback to our engineering and product teams for their awareness and will be following up with you directly if we need additional details.

    Best regards,

    David Casal Del Castillo
    Manager, Customer Success

  • 5.  RE: File Upload attachments to Data Destination

    Posted 12-21-2023 16:40
    Edited by Erika Lapenat 12-22-2023 12:25

    Hi Peter,

    I read into your notes and understand that you want to be able to have only certain file uploads go over to certain Email Data Destinations, is that right? 

    Based on the way the form is currently set up, with only 1 required File Upload field, that's true that it's not possible to select which among the files, that a mobile user would upload, to send out to the Email Data Destination. Dave is correct there as well.

    That checks out, though, because there's no way the form would know ahead of time, which files should be sent out by email, and which shouldn't, because the form wasn't set up to have a way to determine that yet. There's no distinction within this 1 field, 'Thermografie'.

    Thinking of a way around this, to only receive the Email Data Destination with certain files, there are a few ways to design for this:

    (1) You could have the mobile users select what types of files they're including, and fire Email Data Destinations based on that

    (2) You could set up several Email Data Destinations, with filters, so they only fire under certain circumstances, like certain fields being filled out

    I made a test to practice, but will take it down for now. Feel welcome to DM me if you'd like any further guidance on this. It would be great content for an upcoming TrueContext University module as well. 

    Here's an example build:

    Inside the form builder, the Multiselect is the first field, and then beneath it, are separate File Upload fields, depending on what they select. 
    Next, using Conditional Logic, set to only show the Field Report File Upload field, if they had selected Field Report earlier, in the Multiselect:. I did this for each option in the Multiselect:
    Navigating over to Destinations at the top, I set up a new Email Data Destination. In those settings, in the Filtering tab, I set up to only fire out the Email Data Destination when the Email field has an answer:
    This is using the DREL for the Unique ID %a[Email], with the syntax for executing the data destination only if there IS an answer, the expression is: ^(?!\s*$).+
    Moving over to the Email Headers tab, at the bottom of the page in the 'Emails to Extract from the Submitted Form' section, based on the answer to a%[Email] field, sending out to that email address. That's found in the field at the bottom right:
    In the same way, whether with several Email Destinations or setting filters in one, you can decide which should fire based on what circumstance. 
    I saved the form, and made sure the Email Data Destination is linked, and then tested it out:
    Reminder that even if you set up the Email Data Destination inside the Form Builder, you're carried into another tab, you need to make sure within the form itself, that it's selected and visible within the Destinations page inside the form. Go back to the tab where the Form Builder is open, and confirm it's attached:
    Another area to check out, in the Email Data Destination settings, in the Attachments tab, you can select to have the File Uploads be separate, so that they're not all jammed into one submission in case you wanted to have an easier time sorting through attachments, if you truly need to have 1 File Upload field within the form, and the potential of many attachments:
    I hope this has helped based on what we have so far, and feel free to message me in case you have any questions!


    Erika Lapenat
    Technical Content Developer
    TrueContext University

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