In the world of asset management, transitioning between systems of record often involves a period where data exists across multiple platforms. This workflow, developed by a leading medical device organization, is designed to gather and process data for assets that haven’t yet been fully migrated to a new system of record, allowing their back-office teams to build comprehensive dashboards using data from both systems.
The Challenge
Transitioning between systems of record for asset management often comes with several significant challenges. Data migration and integrity issues can arise, potentially leading to inaccurate or incomplete asset information. Resistance to change from employees accustomed to existing workflows can hinder the adoption of the new system. Integration difficulties with other business systems may occur, causing disruptions in operations. Compliance risks can increase due to an inability to maintain proper audit trails. Furthermore, it can be a struggle to maintaining business continuity during the transition, as important information about assets is spread across multiple systems, leading to increased manual interventions and potential errors.
The Workflow
This workflow leverages the asset’s serial number as a common key between the old and new systems. By using the serial number as a common key, this workflow uses TrueContext’s Data Source functionality to gather data from the legacy system, pre-filling the form for the technician. Additionally, the technician can attach any records or documents concerning the asset from the legacy system to this form.
This approach enables an easy way to upload documentation from the legacy system to the new one and allows for comprehensive dashboards to be created using data from both systems, ensuring there is no gap in business continuity or risk to data integrity during the transition between systems of record.
Business Value
- Captures comprehensive installation data
- Preserves visibility during transition periods
- Enables data access in the new system before complete integration
Workflow Features
For Assets in the Legacy System
Technicians can submit
- Installation date
- Location details
- Specific asset information
- Associated workstation or remote asset data
- Installation report from the legacy system
Key Form Features
TrueContext Data Sources
- Provides lists of asset serial numbers for technician selection
- Auto-populates form fields based on selected serial number
- Institution name and address
- Product name
- Internal IDs
- Work order details
- Related workstation or remote asset serial numbers
- Full log of the asset being installed
- Copy of any included report or document about the asset from the legacy system.
- Full log of all workstations and remote assets that were installed along with the principal asset
- Custom document layout is also available
Integration Capabilities
TrueContext connects seamlessly with
- Salesforce
- ServiceNow
- Microsoft SharePoint
- Microsoft OneDrive
- Google Drive
- And more!
Learn more about TrueContext's Data Sources here:
Learn more about TrueContext's Data Destinations here:
Data & Analytics
- Extract data to data visualization tools like PowerBI, Tableau, or TrueContext's Advanced Analytics
- Extraction of list report data to Excel is also available
Workflow Deployment
Using the Workflow Assets provided, you can start implementing this Workflow within your own organization.
If you would like any consultation on how to set up this Workflow, or would like to have TrueContext’s Professional Services team deploy this Workflow for you, please reach out to us at and we will be happy to discuss what options are available to you.
Workflow Assets
To help you build this Workflow for your own organization, we have provided the following Excel file, documenting how the form in this Workflow has been built:
#In-depthWorkflow #MedicalDevices #IndustrialEquipment #VerticalTransportation