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  • 1.  Annotated document attachment file name

    Posted 05-04-2024 01:11


    I am trying to configure the annotated document filename to include the name of the original file loaded into the document editor - i.e. [attached filename]_redline_[date&time]_[questionID suffix].pdf 

    I can see we can use DREL to achieve this: DREL Complete Reference List (

    However, the filename that is recorded for the original PDF attachment differs from what is displayed when it is in the document editor. 

    I believe it is because all PDFs have an identifying 'PDF title' (preferred) and filename. 

    Is there a way to set %a[QuestionID][filename] to take what is displayed when it is in the document editor, rather than the hieroglyphics.pdf shown in the submitted form filename? 

    Attachment Filename in document editor:

    Annotated Attachment Filename submitted to data destination:

    Thank you :)

    Alex Sim
    Project Engineer

  • 2.  RE: Annotated document attachment file name

    Posted 05-13-2024 14:44

    Hi Alex,

    I appreciate your patience on this issue as it has taken me a bit to circle back on this. Myself and a couple other folks here at TrueContext were able to see the same results as you were having and this has been escalated to our engineering team.

    I will update this thread when I get any new information.

    Thanks Alex.

    Pat Cooney
    Community Engineer

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