General Discussion

  • 1.  BarCode Scanner Control

    Posted 11-06-2024 15:00

    I have a basic form that has about 7 fields in the "header" section of the form and only has one barcode scanner control in a repeating section which is meant to capture unique barcodes associated with the header information. Has anyone figured out a way or is there a way to keep the end user from scanning the same barcode more than once in the repeating section. I am trying to prevent the user from getting distracted/interrupted out in the field and accidentally scanning the same item twice. In the case they did try to scan the same barcode is it possible to prompt them somehow and not allow the entry?

    Kinda of advanced logic I know but hopeful someone might have a solution.

    Thank you in advance.

    Cliff Deslatte
    Willamette Valley Company

  • 2.  RE: BarCode Scanner Control

    Posted 11-07-2024 14:16

    Hi Cliff, unfortunately there is currently no method in TrueContext to compare the values of questions inside a repeat section, so it won't be possible to set up any kind of warning or error to be displayed, or to reject the entry, if a tech scans the same barcode more than once.

    I have, however, logged a feature request for this on your behalf.


    Pat Cooney
    Community Engineer

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