General Discussion

  • 1.  Email destination and Submission Page

    Posted 11-05-2024 16:51

    I have a form that has multiple calculation questions, with the last one being a percentage. When the form is submitted, I'd like to put a specific message in the email (form destination) if the percentage is within a certain range, but if the percentage is under that range then I want a different message to display in the email. Has anyone been successful at using DREL for this? 

    Also, when a form is summitted, is the 'submission screen' able to be customized? Other than our company logo.

    Andrea Jones
    Network Application Administrator
    Exact Sciences

  • 2.  RE: Email destination and Submission Page

    Posted 11-06-2024 03:02


    an option would be to create two destinations with a regex filter > than and the second < than.

    Alicia Rico
    Johnson Controls

  • 3.  RE: Email destination and Submission Page

    Posted 11-06-2024 10:13

    Hi Andrea,

    Another option might be to populate a question on the form with different text based on the percentage using Conditional logic and then hide the question on the form itself (unless you don't mind it being visible.)
    You can then reference the question using DREL in the email body.

    For your second question, I am assuming you are referring to the submission window that appears up when you press submit on a Customer Feedback Form, do I have that right?

    If so, that image (your current logo appearing) is pulled from the properties of the FormSpace (which overrides the logos from the Team custom branding).  If you only want the image for this one purpose then you would need a separate FormSpace for this one form.

    I can log a product feedback suggestion on your behalf if you wish, to have the submission screen have a customizable image. 

    Stu Rathbone
    Director - Support & Enablement

  • 4.  RE: Email destination and Submission Page

    Posted 11-06-2024 11:10

    I quickly built a form with Stu's method and took some screen shots to show how this can be built.

    I created a form with four questions in it:

    1. Percentage (an integer question meant to duplicate the percentage question in Andrea's form)
    2. In Range Message (a read only, hidden text question)
      In this question I added the message that will be sent in the email when the value in the Percentage question is in range as the default value
    3. Out of Range Message (a read only, hidden text question)
      In this question I added the message that will be sent in the email when the value in the Percentage question is out of range as the default value
    4. Email Message (a hidden text question)
      This question will receive the value of either the In Range Message question or Out of Range Message question, using conditional logic

    I created a conditional logic rule that looks at the value entered in the Percentage question. If that value is between the two numbers I set as my range (in this test case that was 25 and 75) then I set the value of the Email Message question to the value of the In Range Message question.

    If the value of the Percentage question is lower than or equal to 24 or greater than or equal to 76 then the value of the Email Message question is set to the value of the Out of Range Message question.

    I added the DREL expression %a[EmailMessage] to the body of my email destination.

    This provides the functionality you're looking for, @Andrea Jones (if I understood it correctly).

    Here are some screen shots to go with my explanation above.

    Pat Cooney
    Community Engineer

  • 5.  RE: Email destination and Submission Page

    Posted 11-07-2024 16:11

    That was exactly what I was looking for, @Pat Cooney and @Stu Rathbone! I was able to make it work, so thank you!

    Stu- no need to submit a product feedback suggestion, as I was able to find how to customize the wording on the submission screen of the online form. 

    Andrea Jones
    Network Application Administrator
    Exact Sciences

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