General Discussion

  • 1.  Form submissions beyond 30 days

    Posted 06-10-2024 08:10


    Is it possible to view and resubmit form submissions beyond 30 days old?

    If yes, how do we do this?



    Peter Dienaar
    PF developer
    Johnson Controls

  • 2.  RE: Form submissions beyond 30 days

    Posted 06-12-2024 09:38

    Hi Peter,

    I can help you out with this. To view form submissions older than 30 days on the Form Submissions page you need to change your Search filter options, which default to showing you only the last 30 days. To do this click on the Search Options button on the Form Submissions page, which will open all the Search filters you have available.

    In the Date section select "Any Date" to show all the submissions for that form, or you can use the "Use Date Range" option to show the submissions within a date range you select.

    You can use the other filter options here to be more specific with what submissions are displayed but leaving everything else alone and just choosing "Any Date" will show you all the submissions, even those older than 30 days. Just click the "Filter" button to set the new Search filters and you'll see all the submissions that match your Search filter options.

    If you need any of these forms sent to your Data Destinations again then you'll need to select the "re-execute" option for each form you wish to send again. When you click the "re-execute" button the form submission will get sent to any of the Data Destinations you have set for that form.

    It won't "re-submit" the form in that your form submission name and date won't change, but if you are just hoping to get a copy of the submission in your email or other Data Destinations again this will do that for you. There is no way to do this for multiple forms, you will need to do this individually for each form you would like to re-execute.

    There is an API option to do this, which may be easier for you, especially if you have many forms you need to re-execute. The documentation for that API call is here:

    You will need to know the unique dataId for each form you wish to re-execute. If you are using the API, you can also select a specific Data Destination to re-execute to, rather than re-executing to all your Data Destinations. The documentation for that API call is here:

    I hope this answers your questions Peter but let us know if you need any more clarification or have any other questions.

    Pat Cooney
    Community Engineer

  • 3.  RE: Form submissions beyond 30 days

    Posted 06-13-2024 13:12
    Edited by Pat Cooney 06-13-2024 15:18

    Hi Peter,

    Pat is right on the money with viewing and re-executing past submissions within the LIVE web portal. As it comes up quite a bit, adding some notes here for allowing mobile users to re-submit, and also as admin, sending back for edit:

    • Admins can control how many days of sent submissions mobile users see in the Sent box in their mobile app
    • Mobile users can then open up past submissions to edit / re-submit, whether or not they make any changes
    • Admins, in the LIVE web portal on the Submissions page per form, can send back submissions to the mobile user to edit / re-submit, whether or not the mobile user makes any changes

    First step is enabling for editing, that's within the form's Settings page, in the LIVE web portal: Settings > Workflow Settings > Editing

    Review these options, so that the mobile user can access the Sent folder, and click to edit submissions:

    In Settings > Workflow Settings > Sent Box Options, there's a place to configure the number of days submissions should be viewable within the mobile app. Increase the days count as needed, then save and deploy. That way, within the app, the mobile user can pull up submissions in the Sent folder, and click in to re-submit them, whether or not they make any changes:

    Once editing is enabled, admins can request that the mobile user edits on their device. In the LIVE web portal, in the Submissions page per form, click into a particular submission and in the drop-down menu at the top, click to Send for Edit:

    Admins can't directly edit submission data from within the LIVE web portal, as ultimately that is owned by the mobile user account, and editing and re-submitting can only happen through the mobile app.

    We explore viewing / editing submissions in the TrueContext University self-paced learning is here, and in our Docs portal.


    Erika Lapenat
    Technical Content Developer
    TrueContext University

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