Hello Grace,
Thanks for writing in about this - it's a question in our Level 3 learning content on OCR (optical character recognition). That's a feature within the mobile app that can do quite a few things, like scanning barcodes to retrieve numbers, scan pages of printed material to retrieve text to copy into Text Area question types within the mobile app, there's lots possible.
For this question, as OCR is all about scanning and copying, the answers are A, D, E, F.
More on OCR is here: https://docs.truecontext.com/1374411/Content/Published/360032399852.html?Highlight=OCR
Happy learning!
Erika Lapenat
Technical Content Developer
TrueContext University
Original Message:
Sent: 01-07-2025 16:31
From: grace zhang
Subject: Help Needed with True Context Training Question -- OCR
I'm currently working on True Context Training, and I've encountered a challenge with one of the questions. Could someone please assist me?
grace zhang
Analyst Data