Original Message:
Sent: 03-14-2024 18:58
From: Kylie Clarke
Subject: Let's talk about DREL
Hi Natalie –
Thanks for reaching out. I would be very amiable to discussing our approval process with you.
In relation to your Teamwork questions, the answer is no, we have not built a loop because it's not part of our process. Our workflow is (in simplified terms)
Person completes form in the field.
- Person reviews form and approves, then
- Form is filed (SharePoint)
- Form is sent to Payroll for input.
- Form is emailed back to all parties involved for audit trail purposes.
- Person reviews forms and approves – with changes, then
- Form is sent to Payroll for adjusting.
- Payroll approves form.
i. Form is filed (SharePoint)
ii. Form is emailed back to all parties involved for audit trail purposes.
We don't send forms back for editing, we move them through a system of review with the final version being the (clearly) audited version that all parties get copies of.
Let me know when you might want to meet and we can set up a Teams meeting. Looking forward to connecting with you.
Kylie Clarke
Contracts Manager
Anderson Environmental Contracting
Original Message:
Sent: 03-05-2024 09:35
From: Natalie Tallon
Subject: Let's talk about DREL
Hi Kylie
This is a very timely ask, I'm a product manager here at TrueContext and this was a recent topic between Product & Engineering. I believe your CSM, Chris, is going to introduce us by email so that we can set up a customer interview with you around your approval process - if you are amenable to that.
I agree and understand the need to be able to query the owner of a data record. It sounds like you are using Teamwork for this process, have you built it to have an edit loop between the requester and the approver? i.e. can the approver transfer it back to the requester for them to make edits?
Natalie Tallon
Product Manager
Original Message:
Sent: 03-01-2024 20:45
From: Kylie Clarke
Subject: Let's talk about DREL
Goodness yes!
Not having a way to be able to extract the Form Owner seems like a wasted opportunity.
Our company wants to be able to identify what forms are currently outstanding (ie, need approval) and to do that now, each day the admin (myself) needs to go into the portal and create a manual list to push out to our team. Also, not having the Form Owner as part of the form metadata columns when pulling a CSV list is also a wasted opportunity.
I was hoping to be able to pull a SharePoint List that updates as the form gets added when unapproved, then dropped off when approved using the "Form Owner" but I'm going to have to rethink my logic on how to extract this data on a real time basis.
Having a form Owner DREL id would be ideal.
Kylie Clarke
Contracts Manager
Anderson Environmental Contracting
Original Message:
Sent: 09-19-2023 09:54
From: Calvin Hunter
Subject: Let's talk about DREL
Hi Natalie,
I use DREL quite a bit in Excel docs and in document names, data destinations, etc.
One feature that I would love to see is some text transformation functions - even simple things like the ability to convert the answer to uppercase would be very useful.
Something like %a[Building Name][@upper], etc.
Another minor thing, I don't believe there is a way to get the owner of a submission with DREL. %u gets you the submitter, but if you transfer a form via Teamwork, the owner and the submitter are two different users and there's no way to get the owner until they submit the form. At some point I tried to use destinations to track who was transferring forms between users, but there didn't seem to be a way to figure out who the form was getting transferred to (e.g. the new owner.) The Submission/Teamwork API was also missing this functionality last I checked. That was fairly early on in the Teamwork release so it's possible those have been added and I missed them though.
Calvin Hunter
Project Manager
Vipond Inc
Original Message:
Sent: 09-18-2023 11:28
From: Natalie Tallon
Subject: Let's talk about DREL
Hi Everyone
I'm a Product Manager here at ProntoForms (soon to be TrueContext) and wanted to ask for some targeted feedback on one of our features: DREL.