General Discussion

  • 1.  Microsoft Dataverse Table as Source and/or Destination

    Posted 02-20-2024 10:36


    has anybody used a Microsoft Dataverse Table as source and/or destination of a form? If so, how?

    If it is not possible, is there any intention to add it to the current integrations?

    Thanks a lot



    Alicia Rico
    Johnson Controls

  • 2.  RE: Microsoft Dataverse Table as Source and/or Destination

    Posted 02-21-2024 14:32

    Hey Alicia,

    This is a fantastic question and I want to thank you for posting it. Our good friend @Calvin Hunter has also inquired recently about integrating with Dataverse. Calvin mentioned in a previous conversation with me that he has begun looking into moving the data from TC to SharePoint and then into Dataverse. Calvin, would you mind commenting on the solution you were working on?

    In the meantime I'll run this by our Solutions Architect to see what he can come up with. Stay tuned! :)

    Chris Fraser
    Customer Success Manager

  • 3.  RE: Microsoft Dataverse Table as Source and/or Destination

    Posted 02-21-2024 15:03

    Hi Chris,

    Thanks for the tag.


    It is likely possible using the Dataverse web API and TrueContext HTTP data source and destinations, though I have not gone down that route for any deployed workflows yet. Azure permissions in a big SOX-compliant organization can be painful...

    Reference docs are here: Use the Microsoft Dataverse Web API (Dataverse) - Power Apps | Microsoft Learn

    Depending on your exact needs, it is also fairly easy to set up power automate flows to "mirror" a SharePoint list or library to a Dataverse table, which is what I have personally done in the past. This lets TrueContext interact directly with SharePoint using their out of the box data destinations and data sources (which work very well), and PowerAutomate handles the interaction with Dataverse.

    You would need to set up the following flows:

    1. A flow to create a row in your Dataverse table when an item/file is created in your SharePoint Library or List.
    2. A flow to update a row in your Dataverse table when an item/file is updated in your SharePoint List.
    3. A flow to delete a row in your Dataverse table when an item/file is deleted in your SharePoint List.

    If you need two way mirroring (e.g. interactions on the table mirrored to SharePoint), you'd need another set of flows going the other direction as well. There are quite a few examples of this provided by popular power platform content creators if you search Youtube, etc.

    The use cases for this are probably few, but in my case I use it to mirror multiple extremely large document libraries and lists into single Dataverse tables. The document libraries are part of a workflow that predates Dataverse, so it is not feasible to migrate to a pure Dataverse solution at this point. Mirroring into a Dataverse table allows me to use the data in power apps without the delegation limitations that SharePoint has.

    Calvin Hunter
    Project Manager
    Vipond Inc

  • 4.  RE: Microsoft Dataverse Table as Source and/or Destination

    Posted 02-22-2024 03:21

    Hello Calvin,


    Thanks for your answer.


    As an alternative, if Truecontext could not connect directly to dataverse, I was also thinking about using a sharepoint list (with the last year's answers of a form) and flows to add/update into Dataverse for permanent storage and connecting a PowerBI report to it.


    I'll read the reference docs and see if I can manage direct connection.


    Great answer!







  • 5.  RE: Microsoft Dataverse Table as Source and/or Destination

    Posted 02-22-2024 11:14

    Hi Alicia, hi Calvin (and hello to everyone else following this conversation),

    I just wanted to make sure everyone was aware that Natalie Tallon, from our Product Management team, started a conversation looking for suggestions for Microsoft integrations a few months ago (I know you were aware, Calvin, as you have already participated in that thread).

    A note to everyone following this conversation, contributing in Natalie's thread would be a great way to get this and any other Microsoft integration onto Product Management's radar and possibly get support from other TrueContext users as well.

    Pat Cooney
    Community Engineer

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