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  • 1.  Multi-select questions with different formats on forms

    Posted 07-17-2023 13:33

    I have 2 questions on a form that have 2 different views when using the forms.

    This produces the following views:
    When selecting Machine Configuration I get a pop-up window:
    And the 2nd question produces the output seen above.
    As far as I know, the properties of each questions are the same, from the same data source, just different columns:
    Furthermore, the Machine Configuration produces a text output that is displayed on the form.  The Action Required question does not produce a text output.
    What am I doing wrong here?

    Scott Gilleland
    Senior Field Service Engineer
    Messer Cutting Systems

  • 2.  RE: Multi-select questions with different formats on forms

    Posted 07-17-2023 14:32

    Hello Scott, 

    Thanks for sending those screenshots through - happy to investigate for you!

    Could you send over a note to with the following information:

    • the name of the FormSpace
    • the name of the form

    The team there can dig in and find out what's going on there!



    Technical Content Developer

  • 3.  RE: Multi-select questions with different formats on forms

    Posted 07-19-2023 16:16
    Edited by Pat Cooney 07-19-2023 16:44


    I'm Juan and I'm the Support Analyst here at ProntoForms who received Scott's ticket on this question. I wanted to respond to this thread to let anyone following along know what is happening here. When using a Radio Button or Multiselect question, the options will display different depending on whether or not you have more than 10 options. If you have 10 or fewer options the options will be displayed inline. If you have more than 10 options, they will be displayed in a drop down. To read more about this you can take a look at the document below.

    Full documentation on the Dropdown, Radio Button, and Multiselect questions can be found here:

    Hope you have a great day!

    Juan Cifuentes
    Technical Analyst

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