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Onboarding Primer - June 20 - recording now available!

  • 1.  Onboarding Primer - June 20 - recording now available!

    Posted 06-24-2024 16:18
    Edited by Erika Lapenat 06-25-2024 11:13

    The recording of the June 20, 2024 TrueContext University Live Onboarding Primer is now available!

    One of our highest-attended Onboarding Primers yet, was exciting to see folks joined from all over, and we fielded several questions, including:

    How can I schedule dispatched forms?

    Dispatching can be done either through the LIVE web portal, to an individual mobile user or a list of users with the Bulk Upload function, building out an API (even working with Postman!), or using a third-party scheduling tool. Check out: Dispatching Overview

    Is it possible to copy sections from a form, to another form?

    It's not possible to copy sections from one form to another, within the LIVE web portal. But a few ideas to try as a workaround. Within the same FormSpace, create a 'boilerplate' version of a form. That can be a form containing all the elements that you will need to use over and over again, for other forms within the same FormSpace. This boilerplate form can then be copied and edited as needed. 

    Also worth checking out is the option to create a Template within a form, which allows you to create specific sections with questions and Conditional Logic, which can then be used over and over again within the same form. Check out: Managing Templates

    Is there a way to scan just the number in a barcode?

    A few ways to go here - you could use a Text Field and then instruct the mobile user to click on the camera icon, so that they can use their device's camera to scan over a barcode. They will see a view showing the OCR feature, where they can then use their fingertip, or a stylus, to select just the numbers in the barcode. They can also correct what gets automatically input:

    fire extinguisher barcode
    Another option may be to use some conditional logic, or REGEX, depending on the setup of your form. Feel welcome to reach out to us or post here on the Community for more ideas!
    Check out: Barcode Scanner
    How can I re-execute old submissions to a new Data Destination?
    When setting up a new Data Destination, there is an option to click to connect submissions, as well as the option to re-execute all executions through the main Submissions page, for individual submissions. Check out Creating and Managing Data Destinations
    How can I send a form to someone outside of the organization, who doesn't have the app?
    Customer Feedback Forms (CFFs) are perfect for that! You can create a pared-down version of a form, for anyone to access, outside of the mobile app. Once created, you can share the form's URL with anyone with a network connection, to use with a browser. One use case could be a sign-in sheet at reception, where the iPad is loaded to the form and once submitted, the data lands within the LIVE web portal on the Submissions page, just as it would for an app-based form. Another use case is following a site visit, you can set up a Customer Feedback Form as a Data Destination, for once a site visit is completed, you can send your own customer a survey to send feedback on the quality of the service. 
    The full scoop on CFFs lives over at the TrueContext University in Level 1, and in our Docs portal, Overview: Customer Feedback Forms


    With TrueContext University online, you can learn at your own pace, apply best practices, deep dive into product features, become familiar with the TrueContext vernacular and accelerate learning! Use the same login as you do for Community, when accessing the TrueContext University learning paths. 

    The paths start with Level 0 or Level 1 for beginners, over to Level 2 and Level 3 for more LIVE web portal and mobile app mastery, and we plan to release even more content soon - - - stay tuned!

    Erika Lapenat
    Technical Content Developer
    TrueContext University

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