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  • 1.  Random Tip: Customer Feedback Form URLs

    Posted 09-13-2022 08:52

    We occasionally get asked if Customer Feedback Form URLs are secure, so we thought we'd address that question here in the Community.


    Each Customer Feedback form URL contains a secure, randomly-generated string of characters. We use a cryptographically secure random hash function to generate the URL. This ensures that anyone not on your mailing list can't guess the URL and open the form.


    Customer Feedback Forms are one of our most popular features with our customers. If you are not familiar with Customer Feedback Forms or have not reviewed this feature in some time, it has undergone some enhancements since its original release and is worth another look.

    Customer Feedback forms are forms that can be used by your customers or other third parties, rather than your employees. They are browser-based forms that can be used on any platform simply by navigating to the appropriate URL, and require neither an app download nor a user login.

    Wondering what the ROI and advantages of using Customer Feedback Forms are?

    • Increase a technician's ability to complete a job on the first visit, by reducing the risk that sites are not ready before they arrive, 
    • Eliminate overhead associated with travel time and costs resulting from sending field personnel back to repeat a site visit,
    • Increase technician utilization rates across the entire organization by ensuring sites are prepared for their visit.
    • Allow customers to provide feedback on completed work at their own pace and on their own terms.
    • Automate the process of soliciting and compiling feedback in office systems such as Salesforce or other CRM platforms by sending the data directly, rather than relying on manual data entry.

    You can learn more about Customer Feedback Forms in the ProntoForms documentation portal HERE.

    If you have any questions or comments, feel free to reply to this post.  

    If you are already using Customer Feedback Forms, tell us how, we'd love to hear from you!

    Stu Rathbone
    Program Manager ~ Knowledge, Training & Enablement

  • 2.  RE: Random Tip: Customer Feedback Form URLs

    Posted 09-14-2022 08:52
    We love the feedback forms, and we just found a new use for them! During our quarterly team meetings, we have what we call a pickle jar session. In the weeks prior to the meeting, we encourage team members to anonymously submit their enterprise questions or concerns so that leadership can answer them at the meeting. We have previously used other websites or email for this, but these methods have never truly been anonymous. For our upcoming team meeting though we will be using new a feedback form for our pickle jar questions. I'm expecting this form to have higher engagement as they are already familiar with ProntoForms, and they can trust that their questions are actually anonymous now.

    Lisa Zido
    Technical Systems Analyst
    GOJO Industries Inc.

  • 3.  RE: Random Tip: Customer Feedback Form URLs

    Posted 09-14-2022 09:43
    Hiya Lisa, this is a really cool use case! Please let us know how it goes for you, but yeah, I agree that expecting this form to have higher engagement is fair due that real anonymity.  Super exciting!!

    Pat Cooney
    Community Engineer

  • 4.  RE: Random Tip: Customer Feedback Form URLs

    Posted 09-14-2022 11:03
    Thanks so much Lisa this is great news and a definite value add. Please let us know as well if anyone submits any product improvement or nice to have ideas in your pickle jar sessions.

    Craig MacMaster
    Senior User Experience Designer

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