General Discussion

  • 1.  Repeatable Section and PDF Report Title

    Posted 07-24-2024 14:24

    Hello.  I'm looking to create a pdf report filename using information in a repeatable section.

    The repeatable section in the report looks something like this.  The PO# column is a text column and the Model# column is a drop down list referencing a google sheet data source.

    The report file name of the generated pdf document should only list the PO#s and Model#s from the repeatable section as unique values.  Currently, using non-repeatable questions, the file name expression looks like this:

    Inspection Report-%a[PO#]-%a[Model#]--%a[TodaysDate]

    How do I configure the above expression so that the filename pulls PO# and Model# from the repeatable table only showing values one time for both, something like this:

    Inspection Report-993555 993546 993567-[1105 1110 1121]--2024-07-24

    Note even though 993555 and 1110 appear twice each in the table, they only appear once in the file name.



    Sherri Miller
    Quality Assurance & Product Development Associate
    National Public Seating

  • 2.  RE: Repeatable Section and PDF Report Title

    Posted 07-26-2024 11:10
    Edited by Pat Cooney 07-26-2024 11:10

    Hi Sherri,

    Thanks so much for submitting this question. Myself, @Ian Chamberlain, and @Rob Dods, all spent some time on trying to come up with a solution for you yesterday but unfortunately we were unable to come up with anything. As you've no doubt seen, being able to return just the unique values from a question in a repeatable section isn't possible with the existing DREL functionality. What I have done for you, however, is submit a product feature request outlining what you're trying to do here.

    There is a less elegant option you can set up, however. In addition to your repeatable section that you've already got set up, you could create a multi-select question for both your PO# and Model# and have your technician select all the POs and Models that need to be included in the report title. You can still use your data source to populate the answers in the multi-select questions, it's just an extra step for your technicians is all. Documentation on how to populate a multi-select question using a datasource is available here:

    Let us know if you have any other questions or if you come up with another solution.

    Pat Cooney
    Community Engineer

  • 3.  RE: Repeatable Section and PDF Report Title

    Posted 07-26-2024 12:06

    Hello, Pat.

    I really appreciate you all trying to come up with a solution and for submitting a product feature request.

     We currently use the multiselect questions and was happy to discover repeatable sections where the quantities and destination clearly match up with each PO and Model combination in a table format.

    Yes, I also thought about the multiselect questions for PO# and Model# in addition to the repeatable section as a work around for getting the filename to display correctly.  I was hoping for a way to avoid the redundant data entry for the technicians. 

    Thanks again for your help,

    Sherri Miller
    Quality Assurance & Product Development Associate
    National Public Seating

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