Hey Pat and Alicia, this request seems to be similar/ identical to a product feature request we have already submitted a while ago. Nice to know we aren't the only ones.
Thanks a lot.
Original Message:
Sent: 11-06-2024 02:55
From: Alicia Rico
Subject: Show Warning/Error
If the aggregation question would have the option "Count Distinct", it would be possible to add a concatenated question on the rows with SO&Date&Name and then, outside, two aggregations: count all and count distinct. If they have different results, then there is a duplicate and you can set at least a warning.
But, aggregation does not have this "Count Distinct" option. Could it be added?
Alicia Rico
Johnson Controls
Original Message:
Sent: 11-05-2024 10:03
From: Pat Cooney
Subject: Show Warning/Error
Hi Divya, I wanted to let you know that I have logged a product feature request on your behalf to add this functionality to TrueContext.
Pat Cooney
Community Engineer
Original Message:
Sent: 11-05-2024 09:21
From: Pat Cooney
Subject: Show Warning/Error
Hi Divya, unfortunately there is currently no method in TrueContext to compare the values of questions or rows inside a repeat section, so it won't be possible to set up any kind of warning or error to be displayed if a tech puts in the same name, service order, and date in multiple rows.
Pat Cooney
Community Engineer
Original Message:
Sent: 10-31-2024 01:50
From: Divya M
Subject: Show Warning/Error
Hi all,
I have a repeatable section where the columns have fields like Name(Text Field Copied from its main repeatable section's text field), Select Service Order (drop down field using a data source) , start date (Date Field) and some other fields.
I have a make a validation for the entered rows. If the field user enters same Name, chooses same Service Order for the same Date in other rows --> then we should able to show the field user in the front end itself some error like 'We cant entry time for the same technician on the same date with the same Service Order' or something like 'Duplicate entry. Please modify'.
Basically its like comparing all entered rows - All three fields values should not be same. Is it possible to compare the rows which they are entering the data.
I have salesforce as destination for this repeatable section.
Hope I am clear with the requirement.
Thanks. Have a good day :)
Divya M
Capgemini, India