I'll just chime in to add that bullet points are key. I think 100 words is a good benchmark, but I'd be frustrated if a feature cut me off at that point if I just need a few more... Being able to link to multiple places within a document or multiple hyperlinks within a single block of text would be nice. I find that the "help hyperlink" option isn't always the most intuitive for users to locate, so I usually have to say in the text box "click the three dots for X..." etc.
Original Message:
Sent: 08-20-2024 11:18
From: Erin Longhurst
Subject: Summaries, Documentation, and the Field User: What makes a good summary?
Hi @Lisa Zido and Matt,
This is exactly the type of feedback I need. Summaries play a critical role in keeping field techs informed and getting the information they need for decision-making quickly, so getting this right is vital.
"Either the technician gets what he needs from a 100-word or less summary, or he should be referencing a full manual. We tend to find that summaries are effective when they are written for a technician with at least 6 months of job experience."
@Matt Lambert While this whole paragraph is really interesting as it's a glimpse into how you manage onboarding new technicians, these sentences popped out at me. How do you think the summary should provide access to the full manual? For example, should there be jump points based on keywords (model numbers, parts, or specific procedures?) or simply a link? Would you ever want to summarize just a particular section of a manual that you might've attached to a form?
Erin Longhurst
Product Manager
Original Message:
Sent: 08-20-2024 08:48
From: Lisa Zido
Subject: Summaries, Documentation, and the Field User: What makes a good summary?
Hi Erin! I'm going to second Matt's thoughts. Our techs are on iPads the majority of time, but we also have 3rd party tech's who prefer the ease of the phone app, so we have to take that into consideration when designing forms. I would also agree that a summary has to be pretty short for it to not be skipped over, and if possible, to use bullet points. I've noticed with our group that if the bullet points call out the most important pieces of information, then people seem to be keener on reading those over a paragraph.
Lisa Zido
Technical Systems Administrator
GOJO Industries Inc.
Original Message:
Sent: 08-19-2024 11:58
From: Matt Lambert
Subject: Summaries, Documentation, and the Field User: What makes a good summary?
Hi Erin. Here are my thoughts:
- Length - Yes, definitely under 100 words. Anything more than that defeats the purpose of a summary.
- Subject matter variability - In our experience, I would not change the length requirement based on the topic to be summarized. Either the technician gets what he needs from a 100-word or less summary, or he should be referencing a full manual. We tend to find that summaries are effective when they are written for a technician with at least 6 months of job experience. Full manuals and in-field training support (buddy system) are in place for technicians in their first 6 months on the job. Once people know the basics, I think the summaries should be brief and focus on reminders for experienced technicians to ensure they follow procedures in order, capture the right documentation at the right time, etc.
- Format - Bullet points strongly preferred. Helps the reader skip information they already know and find what they need quickly
- Device - Most of our field guys are working on tablets. We tend to format for their benefit with the understanding that occasionally the experience for phone users will not be as rich. My preference would be for summaries to have a 100-word character limit so that they could not be written longer than that in the first place. Phone users should be able to scroll to see the full summary if needed, and I believe 100 words would fit comfortably on all of the tablets we have in the field with proper text size formatting in place.
Matt Lambert
Vice President of Operations
PrimeLine Utility Services
Original Message:
Sent: 08-15-2024 11:37
From: Erin Longhurst
Subject: Summaries, Documentation, and the Field User: What makes a good summary?
Hi Community folks!
As part of a new feature we're working on, I wanted to ask your opinions on what makes a good summary for a field technician's use.
- Length: Should it be less than 100 words? Greater than 100 words?
- Subject matter variability: Does the length requirement vary by what's being summarized?
- Referencing a manual or other material (Resource Documents/Images)
- Summarizing the work done on a jobsite (Filled or partly-filled form submissions)
- What changes about what needs to be highlighted between the above two use cases for summarization?
- Format: Do your field techs like bullet points, or just a sentence or two of text? Or is there another format you prefer?
- Device: If your techs work on multiple devices with different form factors, does this affect the length requirement? Where should summaries be cut off, if they are at all?
Let me know what you think!
Erin Longhurst
Product Manager