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Tech Talk: Support - Invalid characters in OneDrive and SharePoint

  • 1.  Tech Talk: Support - Invalid characters in OneDrive and SharePoint

    Posted 11-07-2024 14:35

    If you encounter an error message that says, "Microsoft Graph API Error: invalidRequest," this issue is likely due to an invalid character entered as an answer to one of your questions directed to a SharePoint Library or OneDrive.

    Certain characters have special meanings and restrictions when used in file names in OneDrive, SharePoint, Windows, and macOS. For instance, "*" is used for wildcards, and "\" is used in file paths. As a result, SharePoint and OneDrive do not allow certain characters.

    Characters not allowed in SharePoint and OneDrive file and folder names:

    • " * : < > ? / \ |

    Note: leading and trailing spaces are also not allowed in file or folder names.

    Common error messages associated with restricted characters:

    • Microsoft Graph API Error: invalidRequest - A potentially dangerous Request.Path value was detected from the client (*).
    • Microsoft Graph API Error: invalidRequest - A potentially dangerous Request.Path value was detected from the client (>).

    If you encounter these errors, check for restricted characters in your file or folder names and remove them to resolve the issue.


    More information about our Microsoft Data Destinations can be found in our product documentation.


    Juan Cifuentes
    Technical Analyst

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