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Tech Talks: Success - Using DREL To Power Your Workflows

  • 1.  Tech Talks: Success - Using DREL To Power Your Workflows

    Posted 25 days ago
    Edited by Pat Cooney 24 days ago

    Introduction to DREL

    You might have heard of TrueContext's custom language, Data Reference Expression Language (DREL). It's a powerful tool that enhances your workflows and documents. DREL enables you to automate tasks, such as filtering documents into specific folders within your document storage platform or populating responses into your documents.

    What is DREL?

    DREL, or Data Reference Expression Language, is TrueContext's proprietary language designed to automate the extraction of specific information from your form submissions. It's particularly beneficial for organizations dealing with large volumes of forms, as it streamlines data entry and automates workflows. 

    DREL Use Cases

    Here are a few scenarios where you can leverage DREL:

    • Customize form submission names: Tailor the names of form submissions within the mobile app and web portal.
    • Name folders and files: Personalize the names of folders and document files in cloud services or emails.
    • Include variable content in emails: Add personalized content to customer emails.
    • Set up filtering rules: Implement filtering rules for data destinations.
    • Map data and metadata: Integrate with data destinations such as ServiceNow or Salesforce.

    Implementing DREL in Your Organization

    There are two quick and easy ways to start using DREL. 

    Organize Documents in Specified Folders

    Properly organizing documents is essential for maintaining clean and accessible data for your team, organization, and customers. With DREL, you can automate the placement of documents into specified folders upon form submission. 

    Steps to follow:

    1. Create a data destination for your document storage platform.
    2. Plan your folder structure to ensure it is simple and intuitive for team members. 

    We support integrations with Dropbox, Google Drive, SharePoint, Box, OneDrive, and ShareFile. In this example, Dropbox is used to filter specific car models into their own folders. 

    Under File Configuration > Form Submission Document Folder Expression, you can enter the folder pathway and specify how you'd like the folder title to be displayed using DREL. To explore what information can be included, review our Complete Reference List. Here's an example folder path: 

    %d[y]/%d[dd] - %d[MMMM]

    This will create two types of folders:

    • A folder named after the year the form is submitted (e.g., 2024).
    • A folder titled with the day of the month and the full month name. 

    Customize Form Names with Data Record Naming

    DREL allows you to customize submitted forms according to your organization's terminology and naming conventions, making it easier for technicians to locate the forms they need. 

    To set up Data Record Naming

    1. Select the form you'd like to customize. 
    2. Go to Edit Form > Settings > Advanced Properties.
    3. Under the Data Record Naming section, enter your naming expression.

    To verify your naming expression, create a test form submission. After submission, go to Data & Analytics > Submissions (by Form). Your form name will appear as specified.

    Data Record Naming - Naming Expression Example

    Additional Resources

    For more information on how to use DREL in your organization, explore the following resources: 

    Additional Use Cases


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    TrueConext University


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    Customer Success Manager

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