TrueContext allows you to set up an FTP/Secure FTP (SFTP) Data Destination to send the data you collect from a form to an FTP or SFTP site. If you are experiencing a connection error with this Data Destination, here are a couple of things you can do to help you determine what the root cause of your issue is.
Common Connection Errors
Here are the most common error messages you might get with a connection issue:
IO Error
An IO Error usually means the destination system (the client FTP Server) is throwing an exception. This generic error is returned when there isn't a more specific error that can be returned instead.
Failed to create FTP client: Error reading file from the FTP server: Connection timed out.
The third-party FTP/SFTP vendor should investigate their logs to ensure the server is configured correctly.
ERROR: Execution Failure: Failed to create and connect FTP Client: timeout: socket is not established
This error shows up when the SSH key's secure algorithm is not set up correctly or it is using an outdated (or no longer supported) SSH key.
What to do if you get an error
The first line of support is going to be your IT representative / team. Make sure the connection is not being blocked, and your team has our IP and Domain Allow list set up. You can find this list here:
Note: you will need to be logged in to the TrueContext Web Portal to be able to access this link
The next step would be to reach out to your FTP server administrator. Check that everything is set up as expected by reviewing the server logs and your configuration.
If the problem persists, and both the IT team and the FTP administrator are unable to find and resolve the problem, then contacting TrueContext Support would be your next step. You can create a Support ticket using the process outlined in this document and our Support team will be happy to help -
#TechTalkSupport #Integration
Lizza Acevedo
Technical Analyst