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This Week in Support: Data Destination Checklist

  • 1.  This Week in Support: Data Destination Checklist

    Posted 10-12-2023 10:20
    Edited by Pat Cooney 02-06-2024 11:23

    Our customers love using our Data Destinations to integrate the data collected through their forms with their back office and other administrative systems. Did you know that ProntoForms offers 13 different Data Destinations just for various cloud service integrations? That doesn't even include the other systems we can integrate with. A full list is available in our product documentation here:

    To help you build a well thought out Data Destination, and to help you do an initial level of troubleshooting if you are getting unexpected results, I have created a checklist to help you review your settings and configure a perfect Data Destination.

    Note: Before creating a Data Destination you will need to create a Connection to the specific service you want to use. If you haven't done this yet, make sure this is your first step. To learn about setting up a Connection review our product documentation here:

    Data Destination Checklist

    (This checklist is for a basic Data Destination, a more complex Data Destination, like one for Salesforce or ServiceNow, , will have more configuration settings  than the ones covered in this checklist. Refer to our. Refer to our product documentation for the specific Data Destination you are working on if it's not covered in this checklist)

    Destination Basics

    1. Have you named your Data Destination something that will make sense to where the data is being sent? 
      Using a descriptive name will help form builders in the future if updates need to be made to your forms or Data Destinations.
    2. Does your Unique ID field name describe the data you are gathering?
      This field will automatically generate a unique ID based on the Data Destination Name, but you can customize it to better describe the data being collected. Using a field name like 'SalesforceCaseNumber' rather than 'Number123' will make it easier if you need to reference this field later.
    3. Have you properly set 'Disable this destination'?
      If this has been selected the Data Destination will be visible but it won't accept any form submissions. Make sure this hasn't been selected if you want to send data from your form submissions to this Data Destination.
    4. Have you properly set 'Auto-Link'?
      Checking the box for "Auto-Link new forms to this destination" will ensure that any new forms that are created or imported into this FormSpace will have this Data Destination linked to them.


    It is important to remember that your data destination will only execute if ALL the filter conditions are met, so this can be a great place to double-check if you're having issues.

    1. Have you set the correct Form Version State(s)?
      Make sure that the Version State(s) is selected for the Form Version(s) you want this Data Destination to work for.
    2. Have you set the correct Form Submission State(s)?
      Make sure that the Submission State(s) is selected for the Form Submission(s) you want this Data Destination to work for.
    3. Are you using Answer Filtering?
      If you are using the ability to set custom filter rules in the Answer Filtering section make sure that you have properly set "Match All" if you want EVERY rule you've created to be required to be true, or "Match Any" if you only need one of the rules you've created to be true.
      Additionally, go through each rule you've set up and make sure the Input Expression and Filter Expression are set up properly. Look for typos in both fields and that you are referencing the correct Answer field in your Input Expression.

    More information on using these custom filter rules can be found in our documentation:


    The Connection tab is going to be unique to where you are sending your data (Salesforce, ServiceNow, Zendesk, Google, etc.). If you want to learn more about setting up a Connection you can find the documentation here:

    1. Have you selected the correct Connection for this Data Destination?
      Make sure the Connection that has been selected in your "Select an existing Connection" drop-down is the correct Connection.

    File Configuration

    1. Have you selected the expected File Attachments?
      Make sure that the Separate File Attachments that have been selected are the ones you are wanting to send to this Data Destination.
    2. Is your Form Submission Document Folder Expression pointing to the expected folder?
      Depending on the Data Destination you have set up, the content for this field will be different. If you are concerned that there is an error in this field and you're not seeing your submission showing up in the expected folder, go through our documentation on the specific type of Data Destination you are trying to set up to ensure you have set this field correctly.

    In addition to this checklist, we also have a page in our product documentation all about troubleshooting Data Destinations, which you can find here:

    If you have reviewed this checklist and have gone through the Troubleshooting page in our product documentation and are still having an issue with your Data Destination please contact Support and log a ticket, we'll be happy to help you out.

    Rasangi Disanayake
    Technical Analyst

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