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  • 1.  Total Services Cost

    Posted 03-25-2024 09:03


    I have been searching the knowledge base and communities but cannot locate any support for my needs. 

    I want to have a list of available services that can be selected by checking a box, each has a pre-defined cost; at the end of the section I want a tally of the selected services to present the customer with a total. 

    What is my best approach to resolve this?

    Thank you,

    Todd Garthaffner
    Network Manager
    Waitsfield and Champlain Valley Telecom

  • 2.  RE: Total Services Cost

    Posted 03-25-2024 13:03

    Hello Todd, 

    Thanks for your question! This one is a personal favourite of mine. We often see customers using forms as timesheets, invoices, order forms - there's a lot the Calculation question type can do. 

    Here's more from our Docs portal:

    The Calculation question type lets you take any numerical questions, earlier in the form, and them tally up with a calculation builder:

    We created a lesson in our Level 2 (L2) over at TrueContext University, and you'd follow a similar setup, in showing the list of available services, at their cost, and then have a Calculation question type do the math.

    The example there is pulling prices from a spreadsheet, but you can also assign prices within the form builder, and use Conditional Logic to do that work.

    Here's the resource in L2:

    I trust this helps you in building out your workflow!

    Erika Lapenat
    Technical Content Developer
    TrueContext University

  • 3.  RE: Total Services Cost

    Posted 03-27-2024 13:14

    Thank you Erika, I will go through the training and let you know how it turns out.


    Todd Garthaffner
    Network Manager
    Waitsfield and Champlain Valley Telecom

  • 4.  RE: Total Services Cost

    Posted 03-26-2024 10:02


    Another approach that you could take is to leverage our "Multi-column View" when you are using a Dropdown/Radio question, so you could create a repeatable section with a Dropdown pointing to a data source, a quantity field and a calculation. You could have it look like this to provide your users context of the service that they choose and the price list for them all.

    Then you could use a footer item with the type Aggregate on the repeat section to add them all up!

    Hope this helps!

    Ian Chamberlain
    Solutions Architect

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