Hi Peter, I believe I see why this isn't working in your example and it's due to the fact you're not using the full path to the question (you're accessing the question through the flattened answers structure at the top of the reference data). I've ...
Hello, I tried it out but I still have an issue. I looks like still only my first selected value is being displayed on my output document. For an example in Handlebars see attachment In attachment you can find also an example of the result. ...
Hello Scott, Thank you very much. I think this will help me. I will try it out. Regards, Peter
Hi Peter, Multi-select answer values are stored in an array, so they need to be referenced a little bit differently than other control types. A great way to see the multi-select array format is to use the Reference data pane on the right side of ...
Hello, Does some one have some experience on how to show all selected values from a MultiSelect box using HandleBars? In my case I have selected 3 values in my MultiSelect but only the first value is showing on my HandleBars output document. How ...
Hey Mark, The same idea applies to all data records in the system. So incomplete Teamwork-style data records will remain in the system for a minimum of 365 days or until they are deleted. ------------------------------ David Casal Del Castillo Manager, ...
Hi David, Quick question on this - for a Teamwork enabled form, am I correct to assume that each time an incomplete form is transferred, this 365 minimum restarts? Are incomplete forms handled any differently? ------------------------------ Mark Warwick ...
Morning Mark, Most of my process uses Power Automate! The one step that would be difficult to do in PA would be converting the data record JSON/XML into a Dispatch record JSON/XML. PA's Parse JSON function does not handle dynamically structured JSON ...
Hey Mark and Calvin, Just wanted to make one clarifying point on the conversation. Form submission metadata remains accessible in the TrueContext production cloud for at least 365 days from the date of form submission, or until the data is deleted. ...
Hi Calvin, That sounds like a solid process. The extent of what I could do for a "backend system" would be using Microsoft Power Automate, but I think what you're describing would be possible. It's the photos and attachments that trip me up - I believe ...
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